Vancouver Island Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver for Agriculture

Colloidal silver has been used in horticulture for decades.

Unlike pesticides and chemical fertilizers, colloidal silver leaves no residues and keeps garden plants safe to eat. It kills bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that attack plants, and it also eliminates parasites. Colloidal silver used in spray application for plants (fruits and vegetables included) is completely safe for human consumption.

Solutions with silver particles are used by florists to maintain flower freshness. Horticulturists also use colloidal silver to treat topical fungal infections on plants.

Soaking seeds in colloidal silver before planting increases germination and virtually eliminates mold growth in sprouts. In addition, small amounts of colloidal silver diluted with pure water can be sprayed on soil. The plant will absorb the microscopic silver particles and become more resistant to soil-based pathogens. Treating soil around younger plant roots allows them to grow more vigorously.



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